Amar Group

Our Mission
At Amar Group, we believe in innovation and future-forward thinking. All our investments are made with future generations in mind. With our long-term horizon approach, we invest to build.
Our Story
Since 2004, Amar Group has been investing in future-oriented solutions and innovations. With an intention to create a more sustainable seafood- and marine industry, our hands-on efforts has resulted in both solutions made and jobs created, across the world.
Founded with family-values at its core, Amar Group is now a global investing company that operates with long-term investing horizons and is steadfast in following the founder’s millimeter principle.
The millimeter principle is as simple as it is effective: Work to be at least one millimeter better every day.
It all started with the founder of Amar Group – the visionary Bjørn Apeland, on the West Coast of Norway.

Duen AS later to be Amar Group AS

With the investment company then called Duen, now known as Amar Group, Bjørn Apeland bought the bankruptcy estate of Steinsvik Maskinindustri AS, an aqua technology machining company.
The local company then had 16 employees and would be transformed over the next thirteen years. Led by Bjørn Apeland the company grew to have nearly 700 employees while serving markets world while with operations in 10 countries.

Investing in energy

Invested in Nærenergi, a total supplier of sustainable energy solutions.

Strategic exit of Steinsvik Group

Amar Group strategically exits Steinsvik Group, following a three-part company merger which resulted in Steinsvik Group becoming a part of Scale AQ.

New headquarters

Acquired Amar Group HQ in Karmøy on the West Coast of Norway.

Going forward

After evaluating different industries, Amar Group landed on a strategy going forward. The investment company would focus their efforts on seafood and technology.

Setting foots in Canada

Established Marbase

Amar Shipping founded

Amar Shipping was established and service vessels acquired.

Amar Innotech launched Ocean Planner

Ocean Planner was launched by Amar Innotech

Amar Seafood founded

Amar Seafood was founded.

Halibut P.E.I.

Invested in Halibut P.E.I. through Amar Seafood.

Amar Innotech launched Neutralice

Amar Innotech launched Neutralice, a technology for salmon delousing and sorting.